The Military Diet, which we present to you below, will help you lose even 10 pounds in 1 week. First of all, here is a plan for the 4 days of this diet: it is a 1500-calorie plan.
While on this diet, you can drink as much water as you want. You should avoid artificial sweeteners since they are harmful for the levels of sugar in your blood. Furthermore, you can consume caffeine free herbal teas in big amounts, just make sure you use Stevia as a sweetener
When it comes to coffee (to all you coffee addicts!), have on mind the following fact: a cup of Black coffee contains less than 5 calories, which means that you can feel free to consume it as long as you cut on the same amount of calories on something else. Again, you should add any sugar or cream, except the Stevia.
Day 1
- 1/2 grapefruit
- 1 slice of toast
- 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
- 1 cup of coffee or tea (with caffeine)
- 1/2 cup of tuna
- 1 slice of toast
- 1 cup of coffee or tea (with caffeine)
- 3 ounces of any type of meat
- 1 cup of green beans
- 1/2 banana
- 1 small apple
- 1 cup of vanilla ice cream
- 1 egg
- 1 slice of toast
- 1/2 banana
- 1 cup of cottage cheese
- 1 hard boiled egg
- 5 saltine crackers
- 2 hot dogs (without bun)
- 1 cup of broccoli
- 1/2 cup of carrots
- 1/2 banana
- 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream
- 5 saltine crackers
- 1 slice of cheddar cheese
- 1 small apple
- 1 hard boiled or cooked egg (optionally)
- 1 slice of toast
- 1 cup of tuna
- 1/2 banana
- 1 cup of vanilla ice cream
- Tips
- If the diet makes you feel weak, sick or dizzy, stop it IMMEDIATELY.
- Take 1-day break from exercise. Your body needs to recover after extreme working out or dieting plan.
- Make sure you stretch before and after exercising. If you maintain limber muscles, you will certainly prevent yourself from spasms and muscle strains.
- If you are not able to do an intense workout, a 20-minute walk would be enough.
- If you are a beginner at exercising, start with low-intensity workouts and move step by step to the higher levels and the more intensive workouts.
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