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Monday 5 December 2016


Top 10 Jogging Tips for Beginners

Jogging being simple and fun workout is the most widely adopted exercise by anyone who aims for a fit body and healthy mind. Although jogging requires no extra cost or equipment, there are a few important jogging tips that can help you achieve maximum benefits.

1. Warm Up and Stretching

Just before you start jogging, warm up your body to avoid any unwanted sore muscles or cramps. Warming up increases the heart rate of your body and thus rushes blood to your muscles faster and charge them for workout. A 5 minute walk prior to jog should be enough.
Just like warming up, a proper cool down of body’s muscles is equally important. Do some stretching post jogging to slowly bring down your heart’s rate and calm your hamstrings and calf muscles. Practicing pre and post warm up will reduce the chances of unwanted fatigue and sluggish body.
2. Watch What you Wear
Jogging shoes

Right pair of shoes is one crucial factor for a smooth and comfortable jog. Don’t hesitate to spend money on proper cushioned shoes to avoid any internal foot injuries or shoe bites.
It is also important to choose the right fabric for your sportswear. Pure cotton will not help as it absorbs and retains sweat and can cause skin irritation. Pick a synthetic fabric instead that has lesser tendency of retaining dampness.
3. Set a Target
Strategize your jogging. You can set your jogging targets w.r.t. time or distance. Then gradually you can plan how much distance you want to cover up in a given time. You will gain speed only with time. So don’t hurry. Just create a plan according to your age and body’s capacity. Keep increasing the intensity from time to time.
4. The Right Posture
If your posture is not correct while running, it can cause pain in different parts of your body. Keep your neck and back straight, shoulders relaxed and head upright to avoid stooping. Bend your elbows to maintain your arms positioned near your waist. Avoid longer strides as it permits lesser contact area of feet with ground. This leads to a forceful high impact landing on heels, hence aggravating chances of foot injury.
5. Techniques for Breathing
It’s very important to focus on your breathing pattern while jogging since efficient breathing will lead to improved performance. Sufficient oxygen intake is necessary as it helps the body to maintain rhythm while jogging. While jogging your lungs need more oxygen than normal because your muscles are in work and need more oxygen to provide them energy. So deep inhalation pattern before you start to jog is recommended.
6. Stay Hydrated
Remember to drink lots of water, at least an hour prior to jogging. While you jog, your body will sweat and shall lose fluids, thus lowering your body’s water balance. To maintain it, keep drinking water in random intervals if you jog for longer duration. If you feel dehydrated, automatically your body will not withstand any physical task.
7. Eat Wisely
you set out for jogging, provide your body the fuel it needs. Have food rich in healthy carbohydrates, mainly fruits or juices, as it will not only provide energy to your system but also gets digested in 15 to 20 minutes. No one wants to run wBefore ith a heavy stomach. Also you can’t burden your muscles by running on an empty stomach. This will make you worn out and tired in lesser time. Having a low-fat protein shake after your jog will prove to be a good source to provide drained muscles the energy they need.
8. Make your Jogging Fun
Find a partner or be a part of any active running group. Soon you will realize jogging can be more fun. It also gives you more enthusiasm and maintains your interest in the activity. Organize fun competitions within the group. It will keep you inspired and committed towards your goals. Running in groups rather than alone also helps you share motivation and boost self-encouragement.
9. Mix your Routine with Light Exercises
If you have been jogging for a while now, your body’s endurance must have enhanced. So in random intervals while jogging, plan some exercise. You can do some weight lifting, cardio exercise or light body weight exercises. This will provide strength to the muscles and achieve sustainability. Don’t push yourself too hard that you end up feeling exhausted instead.
10. Take a Day Off
Allow your body a day or two off to rejuvenate itself for a fresh and healthier start. Your body will utilize this time to strengthen your muscles and recover from any sprains. If you don’t take rest, you might not be able to fight body’s fatigue and soreness. So give your muscles some time to relax and rebuild any wear & tear.

Choose to stay away from:
  • Isolated and unattended tracks.
  • Headphones or any hindrance to signals.
  • Dark and less crowded hours for jogging.
  • Swarming areas/roads.
  • Negative co runners to stay motivated.


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