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Tuesday 6 December 2016

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One Week After Adopting Triplets Oklahoma Couple Finds Out They're Having Twins

When Sarah and Andy had trouble conceiving, they decided to adopt a child. Through a surprising twist of fate, they ended up adopting triplets! Then through another surprising twist of fate, they ended up having twins!
Now they're a family of eight. And they're loving it. They thank God for all six of their children and wouldn't have their family any other way.
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Meet Sarah and Andy Justice. 

This Tulsa, Oklahoma couple desperately wanted a child and struggled with infertility for over three years.
A specialist told them IVF (in vitro fertilization) would cost them up to $60,000.
Even then, they would only have a 10% chance of actually getting pregnant. It was just too much for them.Rather than spend that money and risk having their hearts broken yet again, the couple decided to go the adoption route.

They were chosen by a pregnant woman who decided that they were going to be great parents.

It was at her first ultrasound, which Sarah took her to, that doctors informed them that this birth mother was actually carrying triplets!"What does that mean?" Sarah asked the adoption agency. But it was one pregnancy, and therefore one adoption. As long as they wanted the triplets, they were theirs. "It's everything we wanted." Sarah and Andy were delighted. They had always wanted more than one child. This was perfect.
The triplets were born in May.                                                      Joel, Hannah, and Elizabeth were two months premature and in the NICU weighing three pounds each. Sarah wasn't feeling well, so before they brought their babies home, she went to see her doctor.She was pregnant."We wouldn’t give up these babies for anything," Sarah said. Being pregnant in no way changed the way they felt about their week-old children."Besides, maybe it’s all connected," Andy said."We really felt this was something God wanted us to do," Sarah said. "And sometimes, when you follow God’s will in one thing, it leads to the next thing."
Sarah learned she was pregnant.                                             
Sarah was having twins. Andy was shocked, "No, really, we were very happy. Did we panic a little? Of course. But we were very happy."Only seven months after Joel, Hannah, and Elizabeth were born, the Justice family welcomed Abigail and Andrew."God had a sense of humor," they said.

The babies went through more than 300 diapers each week.

But the kindness of others helped them through. "They’ve all been donated so far," Andy said. "We’ve been very, very blessed."

Then Sarah and Andy were blessed once more. 

In January of this year, they welcomed another baby boy, Caleb.

In less time than they'd spent initially trying to conceive, Sarah and Andy welcomed six children into their lives!

Next month, Abigail and Andrew will be three. Caleb will turn one not long after."My husband says all we do is babies, everything else in life has pretty much stopped," Sarah said. "But it was something we’ve wanted so badly that we love it. It’s not to say it’s not a lot of work and we’re not tired a lot but it’s great. We just really love having these children."What a beautiful family. 


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